SYKES Asia, Inc.

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SYKES Asia, Inc.

Makati, Philippines

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Company overview

  • Website SYKES Asia, Inc.
  • Industry BPO
  • Company size 61,000+ Employees
  • Primary location Sykes Asia, Inc., Glorietta 1, Hotel Drive Makati City
About SYKES Asia, Inc.
SYKES is a digital marketing and customer service global outsourcer, providing customer-engagement services to Global 2000 companies. We have more than 55,000 dedicated employees and more than 65 sites in more than 20 countries. We have operations in North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific. We provide services through multiple communication channels encompassing phone, e-mail, web, chat, social media and digital self-service. In the Philippines, SYKES is recognized as the first multinational call center in the country. We are also the first call center to venture outside Manila and establish operations in Cebu. From only 14 employees, SYKES grew to 15,000 and now has 7 sites in the country. SYKES has more than 20 years of experience in the industry and is known for its innovative and supportive work environment. MILESTONES • 2016 PEZA Awards - Outstanding Community Project Award • 2018 Cebu IT-BPM Organization (CIB.O) - Cebu’s Top 10 IT/BPM Co

Why Join Us

Sun Life Philippines is a leading global financial services company based out of Canada. 

We offer a diverse range of insurance, wealth, and asset management solutions to help every Filipino in their journey towards a brighter life.

As the country’s first and longest-standing life insurer, we provide:

Perks and benefits

  • Financial planning and guidance
  • Life insurance products for every life stage
  • Investment products for individuals, families, and companies
  • Health-focused products with an innovative wellness community
  • Exceptional client-servicing
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From Tier 1 technical Support was promoted to Tier 2 and then selected to support Tier 3 customers and assist nesting agents.

i want to improve myself ay my work..i. will give my best for this company

Good Day! I want to share that when I applied here, that was one of the beginnings of my success. Because I know myself that I am positive that I am ready to dedicate the time for my future work. That's all thank you.

would like to be part of your company someday

Looking forward for initial interview


Ai Leen for SYKES Asia, Inc.

03 Jan 2023

i wish to apply in your good office for any position that will suits my credentials

Got hired in sykes. Fast process and good compensation. Thanks jobyoda!

Got hired in less than 5 days! Thank you JobYoda.

I downloaded the app 4 days ago and just got hired today. Thank you so much JobYoda. More power!

Got hired! Thank you JobYoda ❤️

Chona Alba for Concentrix

25 Jun 2024

Hi everyone. I have more than 5 years of experience in school Administration assistance. I've been thinking of resigning now and exploring opportunities in the BPO industry like Concentrix. Can you give me some recommendations on where I should apply? Any newbie friendly BPO company will do and with good compensation and benefits as well. Thank you!

Company Location

Type of jobs available in Concentrix