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What is Jobyoda Live? 🚀

General | 13 Sep 2024

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You’ve probably seen some of our ads about Jobyoda Live, or maybe even received a push notification urging you to check it out. But you might be wondering, “Ano nga ba ‘to? Q&A portion? Live selling? Chit-chat with the Jobyoda crew? Or maybe a dance challenge?” As much as we, and the Jobyoda crew, would love to do all of that, Jobyoda Live is actually something even better.

No worries, because today, we’re diving into one of the coolest features we offer—Jobyoda Live. The design might be very cutesy and very demure, but don’t let that fool you. Think of it as a virtual walk-in interview. Yes, you heard that right! You don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to land your next job. And no, you’re not going to type “Mine!” like in live selling, but more like “Mine!” as in, “This is my next job!” Let me break it down for you.

What is Jobyoda Live?

Jobyoda Live is your direct line to potential employers, all without the need for travel. Here’s how it works: you open the Jobyoda app, click on the Jobyoda Live feature, and voilà—you’ll see a list of jobs with Zoom links. These links allow you to join a virtual waiting room where you’ll be next in line for an interview. It’s like showing up for a walk-in interview, but instead of waiting in a physical lobby, you’re doing it online. Ang saya, di ba?

Real-Life Struggles of Walk-In Job Applications

Let’s be real—you’ve been in these situations where you’re all prepped for that walk-in interview, but life has other plans. Here are some common struggles we all face:

Scenario 1: The Weather Challenge
You’ve got your best outfit on, your résumé neatly tucked in your bag, and you step out of the house ready to conquer the day. But the weather decides to challenge you—either the sun is so hot you feel like you’re melting, or it starts pouring as soon as you step outside. By the time you reach your destination, you’re either drenched in sweat or soaking wet from the rain. Not exactly the first impression you were hoping to make, right? I’ve been there too—there was this one time I was so soaked that I looked like I swam to the interview. Let’s just say I didn’t land that job. 😅 But with Jobyoda Live, you can attend interviews rain or shine, without ever stepping outside.

Scenario 2: The Traffic Nightmare
You know the drill—Manila traffic. You leave the house early, thinking you’ve got plenty of time. But as soon as you hit the road, it’s bumper-to-bumper traffic as far as the eye can see. You keep checking the clock, calculating how late you’re going to be, and your stress levels go through the roof. By the time you finally arrive, you’re sweaty, flustered, and not exactly in the best state to impress anyone. Sound familiar? I once got so stuck in traffic that I ended up running to the interview—imagine a blue bear running through EDSA! Let’s just say my stamina was tested that day. But with Jobyoda Live, your commute is literally just a walk to your computer. No more stress, just success!

Scenario 3: The Print-and-Go Struggle
You’ve prepared your résumé, printed multiple copies, and you’re ready to hand them out like flyers at a concert. But then you realize the printer ink is low, and your résumé is barely legible. So off you go to find a print shop, wait in line, and hope you’ve got enough change for the copies you need. Once you’ve got everything printed, you’re lugging around all these papers, hoping they don’t get crumpled or lost. I remember once carrying so many papers that I looked like a walking paper mill—I even had to chase down a few that flew away! Not my finest moment. But with Jobyoda Live, all your documents are stored digitally in your Jobyoda Profile, ready to share with a click. No more paper trails—just smooth sailing.

Scenario 4: The Waiting Game
You’ve applied to multiple companies, handed out résumés like candy, and now you’re stuck in the waiting game. Days turn into weeks, and you’re constantly refreshing your email, hoping for a response. It’s frustrating, right? You start second-guessing yourself, wondering if you should apply somewhere else or just wait a little longer. I know the feeling—I once waited so long for a callback that I started thinking they’d forgotten about me entirely! Spoiler: They did. 😅 But with Jobyoda Live, you can get interviewed on the spot. No more endless waiting—just fast-tracked interviews and instant feedback. You could be hired in just a few hours!

How Does It Work?

  1. Open the Jobyoda App: Navigate to the Jobyoda Live section.

  2. Browse Jobs: Look through the jobs listed with active Zoom links.

  3. Join a Zoom Call: Click the link and wait in the virtual lobby for your interview.

It’s as simple as that! No more stressing about missing an interview due to traffic or getting lost on the way. Plus, with Jobyoda Live, you’re always just a few clicks away from your next career opportunity.

Extra Perks? Yes, Please!

One of the things that sets Jobyoda Live apart is the perks you can get by applying through the app. Sometimes, you might just find yourself winning a free coffee—because who doesn't love a little treat while job hunting? These perks are our way of saying thanks for choosing Jobyoda.

So Why Choose Jobyoda Live?

One word: convenience. Imagine skipping the long commute, the waiting in line, and the nerves that come with a physical interview setting. Instead, you can relax, grab a coffee, and wait for your turn to impress the recruiters—all from the comfort of your home.

But wait, there’s more! If you apply through the Jobyoda app, you might score some extra perks. Ever thought a job application could win you a free coffee? With Jobyoda Live, it can! Sometimes, just for applying through the app, you could find yourself sipping on a freebie. 🍵

Yobi’s Takeaway:

Jobyoda Live isn’t just about convenience; it’s about making your job search as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. Whether you’re looking for your first job or your next big career move, Jobyoda Live gives you the flexibility to attend interviews on your terms. So why wait? Jump on the app, click on Jobyoda Live, and get one step closer to your dream job!

Ready to take the next step in your career?

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