The image shows a person posing with a cartoon character. The content of the image includes a list of creative job answers to the interview question

TOP 10 CREATIVE ANSWERS to "Why should we hire you?" Interview Question

Career | 05 Jun 2024

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TOP 10 CREATIVE ANSWERS to "Why should we hire you?" Interview Question


Ah, the dreaded "Why should we hire you?" question. It's the one question that makes me break into a sweat, and let's be honest, our first instinct is to blurt out, "Because you are hiring! Duh?" And we've all been there. But seriously, this question is important. It's your chance to shine, to showcase your skills and experiences without sounding like you're bragging. So, how do we nail it?

I was super curious about how Jobyodees would tackle this question, so I made a post asking for their answers directly. The responses were hilarious, heartfelt, and sometimes downright genius. Let's dive into the top 10 creative answers and see how we can turn these into professional gold.


1. The Salt Comment

English Translation: "Life used to be so hard, we only had salt to eat every day. My siblings and I would even fight over it, so I pushed myself to study hard. When I graduated and got a job, I bought a sack of salt so we would have plenty to eat."


This is hilarious! I'm seriously considering making this an official answer. A thorough explanation of the reasons behind your desire to be hired. To finally be able to buy a sack of salt! Trust me, if we do this correctly, you'll be able to buy a sack of rice with the salt as well. Sharing your past challenges can help illustrate your strong motivation to put in the effort. Choosing the general approach can be quite advantageous for this as well, especially when considering the specific position you're applying for. Let me give you a suggestion on how to express this:


"Growing up in challenging circumstances taught me the value of hard work and perseverance.   I am committed to leveraging my education and skills to contribute effectively to your company and ensure success for both the team and myself. With my solid background and experience in previous projects, I love working with others and am always ready to lend a helping hand. I'm highly motivated and take pride in my ability to work independently. I have a knack for quickly picking up new skills and am constantly seeking ways to grow and develop.”


2. The Confidence Comment

"Because if you reject me, I'm sorry for your loss hahahha."

It’s awesome that you're so sure of yourself, Sab! It's great to meet someone who really knows how valuable they are. Being confident of yourself is important when trying new things, like meeting new people or looking for a new job. It's a good quality that can make a difference. Giving a good answer not only shows that you know what you're talking about, but it also shows that you can lead, communicate, and persuade. Remember that being too sure of yourself can make you look smug, which is something you should never do. Just say why you're the best person for the job and why you deserve the job. There's no need for any filler or nonsense. Most importantly, it's important to keep a positive attitude and a clear voice when saying something like:

" I am sure that I am one of the best candidates you have met, and I am determined to do a great job if I get the chance. Several of my former bosses have told me how great I am at motivating myself and working with others. You can be sure that I will not only do what you expect, but I will also try to go that extra mile. My past projects have given me a lot of knowledge that is directly related to the job. I do, however, have a natural knack for learning new things quickly and love taking on tasks. I am sure that my drive, creativity, and ability to think critically will greatly assist this wonderful brand.”




3. The Beautiful Answer

"You should hire me because I'm beautiful."

I see that Ruffa Mae is both beautiful and smart. Being beautiful does make you stand out. You can also stand out by showing the interviewer how your skills are different from others. This will show them that you have something extra to give the company and can do the job better than others. Don't be afraid to talk about the skills or traits that you think will make you stand out from other applicants. You could take extra classes in your spare time, know more languages than you need to, or use a new way of doing things on projects. Allow us to look at a way to show this:

"I always try to add something extra and unique to my work, which I think is very important for a company like this that is already established but wants to grow. I've been working in marketing for three years and have also taken two college-level courses on digital marketing and tried my hand at web creation to learn more about the creative side of the job. You said you needed someone who could speak English and Spanish well. I can also speak French well.”



4. The Assumption Comment

"You should hire me because I assume you are hiring. hehe"

 John, your humor is on point! Let's also make sure they know you mean business about the job. Here's your chance to show that you studied and list skills from the job description. The point is to show that you did a lot of study on the company or its needs before the interview, and then connect what you learned to great results you've had in similar situations in the past. If you're looking for a job as a sales or marketing manager, your answer should be something like this:

"From what I've learned, I know that as your business grows quickly, you need people with good leadership, communication, and time management skills. As someone who has managed sales teams and inspired them to meet and even exceed our quarterly goals, which made me feel very proud, I think I can give you what you want. Some other examples could be your technical skills, your experience as a leader, your experience managing construction projects, or the release of new goods."



5. The Skills and Experience Comment

"I have the 'Necessary Skills' and 'Experience' that can add value to your company."

Leon, you're already going in the right direction. Just one more thing, please. Show how many years of experience you have at your present and previous jobs. To show the interviewer that you're the best person for the job, you should talk about how much experience you have. The more years of experience you have, the more deep your answer is. Don't forget to talk about some of your big accomplishments as a subtle way to show that you can do the same for their business. Let's say you're looking for a job in finance or accounting. This is how your answer should look:

"I think that my many years of experience in this field will be very helpful to this company. I was in charge of teams with more than a dozen workers for seven years, so I learned how to build teams and do analysis. I came up with creative ways to get money, which earned me three times Manager of the Year awards. If you hire me, I'll do everything I can to bring these skills to your company and make them better so you can make more revenue.”



6. The Survival Song Comment

"Because at first I was afraid, I was petrified... I WILL SURVIVE!"

Khai, your creativity is brilliant! While we all love a good tune, especially since this song is sung with such PASSION! Sometimes letting your PASSION for the job and company shine through is the best way to make a memorable impression on the interviewer, especially if you’re short on years of experience or NO EXPERIENCE AT ALL.  It's important to remember not to lower your standards. You can say how much you admire the company, how eager you are to work for it, and how you think you'd be a great addition. Remember that you don't want to sound desperate, so make sure your tone stays steady and your voice is clear. Let's look at What I Mean:

“To be honest, I've always wanted to work for the best company in the world. That's why I've been keeping a close eye on this one—I really admire how professionally and well you do your job here. I think my punctuality, resolve, and ability to think quickly could help you. As someone who is also driven and learns quickly, I'm sure I can make up for my short time in the field.”


7. The "Hired" Name Comment

"Interviewer: what's your name? Me: my name is hired Interviewer: oh so you're hired Me: thank you sir."

Rustom, your humor is fantastic! I may have used this once or twice but sadly they never called me back. (Yikes. I know) Companies often times like to get to know you more.  You can also use this time to get to know them better too. With this method, you want to make a good impression on the reviewer right from the start of your answer. You want them to think that you're not just practicing a few phrases, but that you're really answering with wit, gratitude, and interest. On top of that, this method lets you get a better sense of the skills and traits the reviewer is seeking. It shows that you are a good choice for the job because the interviewer confirmed it. This is an example:

"That's a great question! Of course, I'm still learning about the company. But you already know what kind of worker you want, which gives you an edge. From what I've learned so far, you need someone who can deal directly with partners and quickly and successfully solve problems with supply and distribution. Do you believe that's true?"

Let us imagine that the interviewer says "Yes." So, you say, "Well, in that case, I think I'm the perfect fit because I was in charge of my company's external affairs and used a number of modern strategies to successfully grow its supply chain." 




8. The Suitable Skills Comment

"You should hire me because I’m suitable for this work. My skills and capability that I’ve gained throughout my journey from the past have taught me a lot of things. I can help your company with all of my understanding and of course with your guidance."

Your effort is already great, RJ! I can see that you’re a hard-working one and is genuinely willing to help. Let me help you give it a little more shine. You may also show that you've been paying attention to the speaker. It shows that you are interested in what they are saying. To make sure you are, they may give you information that you can use in your answers during the interview. There are times when they'll ask you the same things they already asked to see if you got it. The point is to show that you're smart and that you've been paying attention to the speaker. This is where your answer should sound like this:

"Well, you did say earlier that you're trying a new way to hire people by focusing on younger ones. I think I can bring a new perspective to the job, especially since I'm really interested in learning about new tactics. I like to always know what's going on and help my teammates follow the latest directions as quickly as possible while taking advice from more experienced people.”



9. The Multitasker Comment

"You need me in your company. I can do multitask, friendly, and eager to learn new things. Besides I can see myself after 5 years still working with you but successful Haha."

Ye Tel, your excitement makes everyone else happy! We can come up with a better way to frame this. Make it clear that you want to grow. Additionally, any interviewer would like to hear that you are eager to learn new things and get better, and that you are ready to push yourself to show yourself. When you show that you want to improve, you're telling the company that you won't be happy with your current level of skill but will keep working to get better. Remember that the point is to show that you want to learn more and that you deserve to be where you are, even though you're new to the game. Here is what you should say in your answer:

"I'm always looking for ways to get ahead and get better at what I do. Working for a well-known company like this one is a great chance for me to do both. You will give me a chance to show how well I can work, and I will do everything I can to help this organization grow and be successful.  “



10. The Perfect Fit Comment

"I’m the one that you looking for! your search is over."

Cesar, your humor and confidence tells me that you are really fun to work with! We all know that most businesses are in a hurry to hire great people like you. That's why you can speak to the culture of being on time. Because deadlines are likely to be a big part of the job you're looking for, interviewers like it when candidates talk about them. Being on time for a deadline could mean the difference between a project that succeeds or fails. In the home building and construction industry, it could mean the difference between getting all the money you agreed to get or losing some of it. Also, meeting or not meeting deadlines has a big impact on the company's image and the amount of business it gets. Still, it can help to show the reviewer how dedicated you are to finishing the job on time. Allow me to give you an example:

“I know how important it is to hire people who understand what's at stake because I've done the job myself and know how time-consuming it is. As someone who has worked in sales and marketing for five years, I've become very good at staying organized and on time. I've also learned useful analytical and conversation skills that have helped me deal with problems that came up out of the blue. Getting things done quickly and well has always been important to me, so I'd like the chance to use my method to help this company. “


So, there you have it, everyone! Humorous and touching stories that are easy to turn into professional answers. Don't forget to respond clearly and with faith that you're a good fit. Never downplay the fact that you don't have much experience. Always show what makes you special. Include job examples and how they relate to the key skills. You shouldn't be afraid to talk about soft skills, which are also very important. For job applicants who want to know why we should hire you, try to be clear about what the job requires.


Lastly, don't try to remember the sample answers word for word. Take notes to get the main idea, then build on that to sound as real as possible. Stay on topic when you're answering a tough question. How to sound strong without sounding cocky Simply stating that you work hard is not sufficient; you must also elaborate on the unique issues you see. Incorporate things that aren't on your resume or that aren't directly related to your past. Keep your confidence and ability to communicate no matter what. Stay calm, speak clearly, and look at the person asking you questions.

These are all advice from friends in Jobyoda, especially from me, the cutest bear around. Here to help you navigate the job jungle at all times. Kudos on your interview!

Yobi Salazar