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Taking the Leap: Yobie’s Guide to Successful Career Shift

Career | 14 Jun 2024

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Taking the Leap: Yobie’s Guide to Successful Career Shift


Hey there, my awesome friends! Today, let’s talk about something many of you might be wondering—making a big career shift. Imagine leaving behind a well-established career to follow a passion that sets your heart on fire. Sounds exciting, right? You may even be in a well-paying job and living a comfortable life but the compensation sometimes doesn't feel worth the grind anymore. Maybe deep inside you’ve been dreaming of managing a small cafe, or finally being able to start that succulent garden and pottery business but you don’t know when and how to begin.


Let me introduce you to my real-life friend, Jeth. He was an architect with a promising future, but his true passion lay in cooking. Using Jeth’s journey as our guide, we’ll explore how you can make a similar leap. So, grab your favorite snack, sit back, and let’s dive into this career-pivoting adventure!


Step 1: Self-Assessment and Clarity

One night, Jeth and I were both anxiously waiting to hear back about a master’s scholarship abroad that we had applied for. I was hoping to study international business, and Jeth had applied for a master's in architecture. That night, Jeth texted me, “Yobie, I got accepted! But I’m so happy and so sad because I’ll have to decline. Architecture just isn’t my passion anymore. I want to be a chef. I know many people will feel bad, but this is my chance of a lifetime.”  It was a call for a leap of faith. It was a huge jump but I saw his determination. It wasn't easy but he did it. And I know that you can do too. So Let’s get started.


Identify Transferable Skills

First things first, understand your strengths and passions. Jeth made a list of his skills and interests. He made sure about the things he was already skilled in.:

  • Precision: From drawing straight lines to slicing vegetables with exactitude. 

  • Creativity: Designing buildings and plating dishes both require a creative touch.

  • Time Management: Managing project deadlines and cooking multiple dishes at once.

Think about what you’re good at and what you love. This will help you see how your current skills can shine in a new field.


Step 2: Research and Knowledge Gathering

Before leaping, gather as much information as possible about the new industry. Jeth became a sponge, soaking up everything about the culinary world. It may be something that has been a passion for you.  :

  • Industry Trends: Watching cooking shows, reading food blogs, and following top chefs on social media. He even binge-watched "Chef's Table" on Netflix—twice!

  • Job Roles: Learning about different positions in a kitchen—sous chef, pastry chef, line cook, and more. He discovered that a sous chef isn’t a sushi chef and that a line cook isn’t someone who draws lines (old habits die hard!).

  • Informational Interviews: Reached out to a couple of chefs in our network. They were more than happy to share their experiences and advice. 

Step 3: Skill Building and Education

You might need to gain new skills or certifications. Jeth took the following steps:

  • Online Courses: Enrolled in introductory culinary courses. He learned how to julienne vegetables and not just sketch them. 

  • Culinary School: Attended a local culinary school for hands-on training. Jeth’s excitement was through the roof when he finally perfected the art of making soufflés without collapsing!

  • Practical Experience: Cooked more at home, tried new recipes and volunteered at a restaurant on weekends. He even hosted a few “test kitchen” dinners where friends rated his dishes like it was "MasterChef."


Step 4: Networking and Building Connections

Networking can open doors in your new industry. Jeth was all in:

  • Professional Associations: Joined culinary associations to meet other professionals. He attended events and made friends with people who spoke the same foodie language.

  • Industry Events: Attended food festivals and culinary events. He even participated in a pork dishes cook-off in Cebu and, to his surprise, won first place!

  • Social Media: Followed and engaged with chefs and food influencers. His Instagram was filled with mouth-watering food pics and videos of him trying (and sometimes failing) new cooking techniques.


Step 5: Tailoring His Brand

Switching careers meant Jeth had to rebrand himself. His resume, LinkedIn, and even his social media profiles needed a makeover:

  • Resume: Highlighted his precision, project management skills, and creativity—traits valuable in both architecture and cooking.

  • Cover Letter: Wrote a heartfelt letter explaining his passion for cooking and why he was making the shift. It was more compelling than any elevator pitch he ever made.

  • Personal Branding: Started a food blog and an Instagram page to showcase his culinary creations. His followers loved his journey from architect to chef, especially the behind-the-scenes bloopers like that time he set off the smoke alarm while making flambe!


Step 6: Strategic Job Search

With his new skills and network, Jeth began his job search:

  • Targeted Applications: Focused on restaurants known for mentoring budding chefs. He applied to places that celebrated creativity and innovation in their dishes.

  • Recruiters: Connected with culinary recruiters who could help him find suitable positions. He was thrilled when a recruiter from a high-end restaurant reached out to him.

  • Job Boards: Used culinary-specific job boards to find openings. He quickly learned that the job descriptions were as meticulous as architectural blueprints!


Step 7: Patience and Persistence

A career pivot can take time and may involve setbacks. Jeth faced rejections and tough days, but he kept his eyes on the prize. One memorable moment was when he didn’t get the job he wanted because he accidentally mixed up salt with sugar in his signature dish during the interview. But he didn’t let that deter him.

Eventually, Jeth landed a position at a prestigious three-star restaurant in Cebu. His persistence paid off, and he was finally living his dream, creating delicious dishes, and loving every minute of it. Today, Jeth is living his best life in New York, working happily as a chef at a renowned restaurant.

Takeaway for You, My Friend

If you’re contemplating a career pivot, remember these steps:

  1. Assess Your Skills and Passions: Understand what you’re good at and what you love.

  2. Do Your Research: Learn everything about the new industry.

  3. Build Your Skills: Get the necessary training and practical experience.

  4. Network Like Crazy: Connect with professionals in your desired field.

  5. Rebrand Yourself: Update your resume and online presence.

  6. Be Strategic in Your Job Search: Target the right opportunities.

  7. Stay Persistent: Keep pushing forward, even when it’s tough.

So, what’s your dream career? Whatever it is, take that leap of faith. If Jeth can go from designing buildings to crafting gourmet dishes, you can make your career shift too. Remember, life’s too short to not follow your passion!

Stay awesome, my friends, and happy pivoting!





04 Jul 2024




04 Jul 2024

So, what’s your dream career? Whatever it is, take that leap of faith. If Jeth can go from designing buildings to crafting gourmet dishes, you can make your career shift too. Remember, life’s too short to not follow your passion!So, what’s your dream career? Whatever it is, take that leap of faith. If Jeth can go from designing buildings to crafting gourmet dishes, you can make your career shift too. Remember, life’s too short to not follow your passion!